More Snowmageddon Info Feb 13 2014

Here is information from two press releases & a phone call from Township officials concerning the latest snowy onslaught and newest state of emergency. We don't know about your houses, but the Havertownies Headquarters now has 4 more bottles of wine and some scotch. School What-Daze-Is-It-Again? No school for the whole district tomorrow, BUT: Friday is a FULL DAY OF SCHOOL for Haverford Middle School, instead of the half day and conferences originally planned. If you had a conference scheduled for Friday, forget it. That sucker will be rescheduled. It isn't Valentine's Day, It's Get To Love Your Garbage day. NO TRASH PICKUP tomorrow, Thursday, Feb 13 or February 14, 2014. We have special guests coming to our house Saturday, so we'll have to find more room in the cans out back and hope the squirrels show us some mercy. Them guys ain't comin' to haul yer rubbish 'til Tuesday. Hush, hush now, with yer complaints. Voices carry. Mooove Yer Vehickels! We like to keep things super secret here in H-Town, so we don't mark the snow emergency routes. Either that or we just don't feel like ponying up the bucks to pay for signs, like the rest of Pennsyltucky. Anyhoo: We suspect the township is a bit more serious this time around about snow route clearing, seeing that they sent a press release with the affected roads in it, AND traffic was all jumbled up for hours on Darby and Brookline roads yesterday as crews with a huge front loader were scooping up piles of snow from the curbs and dumping it on the medians (or in some pile on Brookline). To wit, here's a direct quote from their press release: "The Township is requesting that all vehicles be removed from the streets as soon as possible. As the storm arrives and intensifies the Township would like to remind people to be careful and that only essential emergency personnel should be on the highways." So go over to our other post and check out the list. If your car is on it, move it off now, as the State of Emergency … [Read more...]

What ‘State of Emergency’ means in H-Town

With today's icy conditions causing massive power outages (10,000 Township residents was the last updated number via Commissioner Dan Siegal), the Township has officially declared a "State of Emergency." That's nice and all, but... what the heck does that mean exactly? Well, we dug around the ridiculously dull terribly interesting township codes and found a bunch of stuff. Here is the relevant part: Chapter 175: VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 175-59, Article XI Schedules – §175-98 Schedule XXIII Emergency No Parking Areas: Ardmore Avenue Both Between County Line Road and Darby Road Burmont Road Both Entire length College Avenue Both Entire length Colonial Road Both Entire length Coopertown Road Both Entire length Darby Road Both Entire length Drexel Avenue Both Entire length Eagle Road Both Entire length Earlington Road Both Entire length Glendale Road Both Entire length Haverford Road Both Entire length Landover Road South Entire length Lawrence Road Both Between Eagle Road and West Chester Pike Manoa Road Both Entire length Marple Road Both Entire length Mill Road Both Between Earlington Road and Darby Road Township Line Road North Entire length West Chester Pike Both Entire length Wynnewood Road Both Entire length That means, if your car is parked on any of these specific lengths of roadway, you are asked to remove them so the township services can clear the area of snow and debris. Also, all non-essential travel is suspended. Now, from what we can gather from various sources, there are states of emergency and then there are STATES OF EMERGENCY. Governmental bodies can apply for state aid to help "weather the storm" of clean-up costs when they declare states of emergency. So, declaring one isn't all THAT special. Today's ice and power outages certainly warranted it. Why struggle to get it all paid for ourselves when … [Read more...]