A Delco town makes a “coolest burb” list

Super popular interior design and all-things-Millennial-living website Apartment Therapy has made a list of 24 of the Coolest Suburbs in the US, and a Delco town made the cut! Spoilers: Haverford Township isn't it. I'll bet you can guess which Delco town was, though. Think hipster. (ok that's a little unfair but we're feeling jealous)  |  |  |  |  | \/   You guessed it! Media, PA made the list. We have to give it up to them down there. Media is a pretty fun town. We like the whole Christmas thing and the trolley going down the street and the coffee shop/music scene. Some super fun Escape the Rooms are down there too. And hey. It wasn't Narberth. No Lower Merion towns made the list. Soooo... tea. DELCO DOES IT AGAIN. Just sayin'. There are some Jersey 'burbs, but the rest are spread out. Have you been to any? Are they cooler than Media and the pure awesomeness that is Delaware County? The 24 Coolest Suburbs by Apartment Therapy Image: Apartment Therapy … [Read more...]

Knock knock: Who shouldn’t be there

Knock Knock Who's there? Clipboard guy. Clipboard guy who? Clipboard guy who shouldn't be here but I'm going to try to sell you something anyway.  Now that the weather is better, some windows, doors, siding, roofing etc. companies will come knocking. Here's what you need to know to keep them from disturbing your peace. TOWNSHIP CODE 130 Like most municipalities, Haverford Township has regulations regarding the solicitation of business. We have codes that are quite clear. All business people must follow them, and that includes businesses based in other towns that wish to knock on doors to drum up interest. SPOILER: These regulations are rarely followed. Many businesses that send (usually younger) people to knock on doors routinely disregard township laws.  Here is a summary of Chapter 130 of the Haverford Township Code: If a business that wants to send someone to knock on doors, it must register with the Township, and solicitors must carry a badge issued by the Township on their persons. This includes everyone who is in the group knocking on doors, even "helpers." They must check in with the Township on each day they want to knock on doors, along with everyone in their party. They must not approach any properties that are on the DO NOT SOLICIT list, maintained by the Township and provided to them when they register. They must not approach properties that are displaying a "NO SOLICITORS" sign, whether or not those properties are on the DO NOT SOLICIT list. Failure to adhere to these regulations can carry fines and involvement of the police. (Charitable organizations are mostly exempt from these rules).  SOMEBODY'S KNOCKING The police advise us to never open our door to strangers, and really, not even to people known to us that we weren't expecting. That second part seems a bit extreme, but police think in terms of bodily safety first. It is reasonable to not open your door to any stranger. Here at Havertown HQ, we have a window … [Read more...]

Our own little ice show! Dec. 17, 2017

Havertownies HQ is in Mario Oliva's section of town, so we get his emails. We received a very merry one today. We don't usually post events that cost money, but this flyer was just so sweet and it involves the kids of H-Town. The Skatium is inviting all Townies to get tickets for an ice show of local talent at the Skatium* on the afternoon of Sunday, December 17, 2017 from 3 to 5 pm. It's like our own private Winter Olympics preview! 8 bucks gets you into the show, open skate and skate rental. That's a deal! Kids under 10 are $5.00. Come on over to the 1000 block o' Darby Road and see the show and get some winter fun on. … [Read more...]

Leaf collection up in the air

  The snow has compelled our trusty Townie workers to convert the trucks into snow removal machines. Larry Gentile, top Townie Whats-What-Sayer, wrote a note to 2nd Ward Commissioner Mario Oliva (R, who was recently re-elected), saying, basically: No idea if or when we'll get those last bits 'o tree trash this year: "This weather is not what we were hoping to happen this early.  Our crews were called into work last evening to break down the trucks from leaf collections to salting operations. It took most of the evening and we currently have 10 trucks ready to apply salt to our roads.  If the weather prediction is accurate and the snow freezes the leaves, our leaf collections will be complete for the year. It is too early to predict now but I will have more information for you Monday evening. Larry Gentile" Havertownies HQ has a big ol' pile of leaves out there waiting to be Noo-Noo'ed up. We may get a dose of what it's like to live in Montgo soon (they don't have a Noo-Noo and have to bag their own tree trash, like commoners!). Check here or our Facebook page or group for updates. UPDATE: We witnessed the leaf-sucking Noo-Noo truck in the Llanerch section on December 12, 2017 at about 11 a.m. … [Read more...]

HMS band and strings concert Dec 2017

Havertownies HQ was in the house at the Haverford Middle School concert on Wednesday, December 6th 2017 at 7:00pm at the Haverford High School auditorium. Our district's music program is pretty kick-ass, and the concert was yet another demonstration of it. You don't have to know much about music to appreciate the performance, shown below in music director's Alex Gittelman's video (that's Mr. Gittelman conducting). You just have to know what it's like to herd cats, and imagine those cats wielding fireworks. This is what it is like getting a bunch of 11-, 12-, 13- and 14-year-olds to play complicated band and orchestral pieces together. We were really impressed. This video doesn't do the full sound justice, but it still sounds good and you can get an idea of all the work everyone put in. Congrats, players and directors, and frankly, sincere congrats to the teachers and administrators who create and handle a-thousand-moving-parts schedules of said cats every week, month and year. Good job and great show! Thank you, all. … [Read more...]

2 Htown police press releases, 1 story

Havertownies HQ's middle-schooler asked us last week why there was increased police presence in H-Town. After we fainted from shock at said middle-schooler's (usually-nonexistent) observation skills, we offered up the run down of the knife-point hold-ups on Eagle Road. Today, the police released information about apprehending the knife-wielding suspects. Here are both press releases (link to pdf page. Safe to view). Press Release-Armed Robberies (Eagle Road) Press Release-Armed Robberies (suspects apprehended)   … [Read more...]

Election Day Nov 7 2017

Committee of Seventy has all voting information. Check it out.   … [Read more...]

Let’s get Swoop & the Eagles Cheerleaders to a Fords Football Game!

"Game of the Week" is an event covered by the Philadelphia Eagles media department (which gets local news coverage). If you have a twitter account, please vote for the Fords game scheduled for October 14th at home. Here's what you do: Go to the current GAME OF THE WEEK. Click on the middle option "@mntigers vs @fords_football". Click through to tweet it out. The most tweets wins! You can tweet it as many times as you like. Right now, we're waaaay behind so we need some help. Voting ends at 11:59 on October 9th. The Fords are 4 and 2. They are having a great season and this team, the band, the cheerleaders, the boosters, the fans, the coaches and everyone involved in HHS sports deserves some recognition! (And heck, you can always delete your tweets after October 10th). If you know any Tigers football advocates, ask them to tweet too. Tweets don't have to be regional, so get the cousins involved, too (we know you have a ton!). Send them the link. Let's do this for our kids and our awesome athletics at HHS!   … [Read more...]

HHS student to host free, huge Quidditch tourney at Haverford College Oct. 8th, 2016

By now you may have heard that Chestnut Hill puts on a big Harry Potter Festival. This year's festivities will be held the weekend of October 21-22nd. HavertowniesHQ attended the festival in its fledgling early years. This will be the first year they shut down the street to auto traffic. The event is also getting some widespread press. We suspect it will be quite big. But guess what? We're going to have our own Harry Potter coolness right here in the Township! AND with lots of parking. Haverford High School Senior Jack McGovern started his own 501c3 non profit Quidditch league and there will be a free admission, open-to-the-public day-long college Quidditch tournament at Haverford College on Saturday October 8th! (Haverford Township Day is the weekend before, October 1, 2016).       Here's a bonus: If any of your university-bound Harry Potter fans are interested in any of the institutions participating (Rutgers, Villanova, Virginia), this tourney could be a good time to talk to some of that college's students. Think about it - fun atmosphere, honest feedback. But what a fun event for the little ones, too! Free to go, easy to park (see the parking directions to the South Lot here). There will be some snacks available but bring your own food and drink if you want something more substantial. This is will be a great way to connect with the fandom and see a once-fictional, very exciting sport in real life. And it was all arranged by one of our own. Here's a note from Jack McGovern on how he got into this whole thing: "Real-life quidditch, which was adapted from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books in 2005, is a co-ed, contact sport that incorporates elements of rugby, basketball and dodge ball. The 8 teams at the tournament will be some of the best college quidditch teams in the country including Villanova, Rutgers, North Carolina and Virginia. I went to my first quidditch tournament as a sixth grade student at Haverford Middle … [Read more...]

PokéWalk Tonight! Veteran’s Park in Broomall 7:30pm

Havertownies Unite! Let's meet at the gazebo in Veteran's Memorial Park in Broomall tonight at 7:30. This park ROCKS for Pokémon!!! It's a best-kept secret for trainers! The park has a little loop walk with over a dozen Pokéstops and a gym. Come fill up your bags and trade tips and show us the rare Pokémon you've collected. Tonight's weather will be clear and a comfy 82 degrees F. This is a great walk for kids. A ton of stops are right next to each other, so it's super easy to load up on Pokémon and items for your bags. Meet in the gazebo at 7:30 tonight and we'll start walking. We'll do one loop around the park together (less than a 1/2 mile). You can keep going round and round tie the sun goes down or gather back at the gazebo or grab a bench to battle at the gym. Bring water bottles and bug spray! Spread the word!   DETAILS: Tonight, Wednesday July 20 2016 at 7:30 pm-sundown Veteran's Memorial Park, 354 Lawrence Road in Broomall, PA (Marple township). Parking is available. Meet at the Gazebo at 7:30pm. Come a little early or a little late! Just look for your fellow Pokémon trainers!   If the parking lot is full, see the neighboring streets for street parking. There is a light at Warren Blvd to cross. … [Read more...]

Storm swishes through Swiss Farms and H-Town: Photos

Here are some photos collected from Townies and news sources. We're adding as we go. Click on the photo to flip through the gallery:   … [Read more...]

Recycling moving today

Today the glass and paper/cardboard recycling bins (why never any plastic?) will move to some place in the township you’ve likely never been: the Fire Training Grounds. If you’ve ever walked Merry Place’s Darby Creek path all the way to the end, you’ve run into the fire training grounds. The area has a township building, a parking lot and a fire tower. This will be the new home of the big recycling dumpsters that were by the skate park. Merry Place got the Skate Park. The fire grounds got the recycling. Shit’s getting real on the new police/township building. Here’s a map: To get to the bins, you need to take that left at the light into the weird medical building complex off WCP. You know: that road you take to get to Barnaby’s. Follow that road around and take a left on Hilltop Road. There’s a little drive off to the left for the fire training grounds. Our guess: those bins will see a LOT less use. … [Read more...]