101 Tenby Demolition Begins


The house at 101 Tenby is empty and ready for demolition

Builders tore into the aged structure located at 101 Tenby today. The demolition began this morning in the rain. We visited the (very chilly and wet!) site and gathered some shots. The last photo in the series is courtesy of the homeowners. It depicts partial demolition of the house’s outer wall.

Water tank truck to douse the structure during demolition to cut down on any possible led paint dust (not much of a concern in the rain, but they used the water anyway).

Water tank truck to douse the structure during demolition to cut down on any possible led paint dust (not much of a concern in the rain, but they used the water anyway).

Backhoe already working on the back yard area

Backhoe already working on the back yard area

Clearing vegetation

Clearing vegetation

The stone porch loosening up

The stone porch loosening up

Part of the structure demo which happened later in the day

Part of the structure demo which happened later in the day