Delco News Round-Up

Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 9.41.31 PMFirst let us offer a big apology for not handing out a great April Fool’s joke. We missed the boat on that one! (See for a link to some good ol’ fashioned Internet gags).

If you haven’t figured it out already, Havertownies is not the most bleeding-edge breaking news site. We Havertownies used to have a pretty sufficient Patch site, but things over there are a bit dreary with their recent upheavals. There’s still News of Delaware County and other local news outlets. Still, we don’t make a habit of trolling local news.

We do LURVE to troll you all, though… in a good way. We here at HT follow y’all on Twitter, Facebook and G+ to see what you’re linking, liking and sharing. That’s how we catch a lot of the info we post. Here are some news stories making the rounds that you may have missed:

Security guard at Marple Theater fires shots at (we’re supposed to say alleged here but they are on tape) robbers in the parking lot UPDATE March 3, 2014: Suspect arrested, former AMC employee

Southern Delco teacher faces more molesting charges

2 Paxon Hollow middle schoolers said a driver attempted to get them in a maroon van

If you have any more you think need our collective Havertownies attention, please add links in the comments. Stay safe out there, HTies!