MRSA bacteria close-up
Just got an email from the Haverford Middle School. Turns out the NFL isn’t the only organization with a bacterial problem.

A student has been diagnosed with MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, colloquially pronounced “MERR-sahh” by the medical community). This is a very strong, antibiotics-resistant bacterial infection that can kill people. Although the numbers of deaths have decreased in recent years, it can still be a cause of death for the infected. It is not a very strong bacteria outside the body but it is still highly contagious in skin-to-skin contact and skin-to-surface contact (fabrics, toilet seats, etc.).


Click on the photo to see more MRSA examples and info from the CDC

The HMS sent out a notification, but the CDC says it is not necessary to close a school or even inform the public if a student is infected with MRSA:

Closing a School Because of an MRSA Infection
The decision to close a school for any communicable disease should be made by school officials in consultation with local and/or state public health officials. However, in most cases, it is not necessary to close schools because of an MRSA infection in a student. It is important to note that MRSA transmission can be prevented by simple measures such as hand hygiene and covering infections.

Keep an eye out for red, swelling infections, and get more informed about MRSA. Scan the CDC website. Here’s some more reading from trusted authorities:

Maryn McKenna Superbug. (Click on this affiliate link to buy the book and help support this website).


The attached PDF is a letter from Mr. Horan, HMS school Principal. He says they will be cleaning the school. He includes some preventative steps your child can take to help her avoid the infection:

• Wash hands frequently using soap and warm water.
• Shower immediately after all athletic practices and competitions.
• Wash all practice gear immediately after game days and frequently after practices (including pads).
• Do not share towels, razors or personal sports equipment.
• Report any skin lesion to parents, school nurse, and coaches to assess severity and course of action. All lesions should be properly bandaged. See your health care provider if you have concerns about a skin lesion.

See the entire PDF image and text below.

Horan MRSA letter

The School District of Haverford Township
Haverford Middle School
1701 Darby Road Havertown, PA 19083
610-853-5900, ext. 5551 Daniel J. Horan, Principal
Dear Parent/Guardian:
October 11, 2013
We would like to review our district guidelines for responding to MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infections in our school. MRSA infections usually present as skin infections, such as pimples and boils. They can be red, swollen, painful and have drainage. The infection is spread by skin-to-skin contact or when touching something that has very recently had that bacteria put upon it. Luckily, the MRSA bacteria does not live very long outside of the body.
Our custodial staff utilizes products which are effective in destroying the bacteria which causes the MRSA infection. While all surfaces that come into contact with skin are routinely wiped down, the custodial staff uses additional vigilance when an infection has been reported in a particular school.
Our administrators and school nurses investigate activities and places where skin-to-skin contact could have occurred and, when deemed appropriate, parents and guardians are notified.
According to the Center for Disease Control, Staphylococcus aureus, or “staph”, are bacteria commonly carried on the skin or in the noses of healthy people. Sometimes staph can cause infections, most of which are minor, and can be treated without antibiotics. However, some staph bacteria can cause serious infections. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is a type of staph that is resistant to standard antibiotic treatment. MRSA was often found in hospital settings, but since the late 1990’s, community acquired MRSA has been reported. Staph or MRSA causes the skin to be red or swollen, painful, and may or may not have pus or other drainage. Transmission is thought to occur through direct person-to-person contact when open wounds are exposed to bacteria from an infected lesion or from the secretions of people who are carriers. Sometimes Staph or MRSA infections develop from sharing towels and sports equipment, or from contact with infected items or surfaces. Poor hygiene is also a contributing factor in the spread of infection. To date, the best overall strategy is the insistence on strict hygienic practices.
• Wash hands frequently using soap and warm water.
• Shower immediately after all athletic practices and competitions.
• Wash all practice gear immediately after game days and frequently after practices (including pads).
• Do not share towels, razors or personal sports equipment.
• Report any skin lesion to parents, school nurse, and coaches to assess severity and course of action. All lesions should be properly bandaged. See your health care provider if you have concerns about a skin lesion.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit these links: and (search MRSA)
Respectfully, Daniel J. Horan